Academic Advising
Select home department below to connect with student success resources provided by NACOE faculty and staff.
NACOE Department Academic Advising Webpages
NACOE Programs
NACOE Building Map
Roberts Hall

Department Offices
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
220 Roberts
Chemical & Biological Engineering
214 Roberts
Cobleigh Hall

Department Offices
Civil Engineering
205 Cobleigh
Electrical & Computer Engineering
610 Cobleigh
Barnard Hall

Department Offices
Gianforte School of Computing
357 Barnard
Center for Bioflim Engineering
366 Barnard
264 Barnard
Norm Asbjornson Hall

Department Offices
Offices of the Dean
237 Asbjornson Hall
Empower Center
267 Asbjornson Hall
This map of the Norm Asbjornson College of Engineering Buildings include the location of home departments.
General advising questions for majors may be directed to the Department or School that houses them.
See table below for contact names and locations.