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The Center for Biofilm Engineering has been a world leader in microbial biofilm research since it was established at MSU in 1990. CBE's multidisciplinary research teams develop beneficial uses for biofilms and find solutions to industrially relevant biofilm problems, with applications in medicine, food safety, energy and much more.

Student working in Magnetic Resonance Lab, placing sample under scanner

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a noninvasive imaging technology that has found broad application in clinical medicine and is a maturing method for studies in engineering and physics. The lab offers a variety of tools for researching biofilms, gels, ice and more.

MSU students examining a concrete crack in the lab

Established in 2016, the Montana Engineering Education Research Center (MEERC) seeks to position Montana as a national leader in engineering education research andtransform engineering education through collaborative, empirical research.

MMEC employee standing by custom-made machine that sample wool
Montana Manufacturing Extension Center (MMEC) is a statewide manufacturing outreach and assistance center staffed by full-time professionals with extensive experience in manufacturing and business. MMEC has a proven record of helping the state's manufacturers grow and innovate.
Two MSU students in Subzero Facility examining snow sample

The Subzero Research Laboratory is a world-class, state-of-the-art suite of facilities used to study snow, ice and the effects of the cold on projects across a range of scientific disciplines. 

Two WTI researchers looking at a design plan for a wildlife crossing structure
The Western Transportation Institute is an interdisciplinary center that is a national leader in rural transportation research. Founded in 1994 and designated in 1998 as a U.S. Department of Transportation University Transportation Center, WTI houses eight research centers related to road ecology, infrastructure sustainability and more.

Affiliated Research Entities

MSU professor and student work together in the lab on an experiment involving a tank with tubes coming out of the top

The Energy Research Institute is an umbrella organization for MSU faculty, staff and students advancing on biofuels, wind energy, carbon sequestration, fuel cells and other energy technologies.

Student and professor in Montana Microfabrication Facility cleanroom wearing white cleansuits

The Montana Nanotechnology Facility (MONT) serves people from academia, government and industry by providing access to nanotech research facilities and expertise. MONT, which includes theMontana Microfabrication Facility, is one of only 16 centers nationwide supported by the National Science Foundation as part of the National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure framework.

Professor Joe Shaw with his imaging of aurora lights
The Optical Technology Center (OpTeC) is a multidisciplinary center offering opportunities for students, faculty, industry and other interested partners to learn and work together to find solutions to practical problems and to discover new applications for optical technology.
Student using pole to sample water from water body in Yellowstone Park, mountains in background
The Thermal Biology Institute conducts and promotes research and education focused on the biology and interrelated physical and chemical processes of geothermal environments in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.