Getting involved with a student club or organization is a great way to get hands-on experience, gain experience that is attractive to employers, meet new people and make friends, and have fun. MSU clubs go to national or international competitions, engage the community through outreach activities, and attend professional conferences, among other things. 

MSU engineering and computer science clubs and organizations are listed below under the most relevant department (or under the college for more general organizations), but many are open to students majoring in any of the college's five departments.

Norm Asbjornson College of Engineering

Engineering Ambassadors is a program started by the MSU College of Engineering in 2001 with the purpose of promoting the college to prospective students and their families, inspiring young people to pursue careers and opportunities in engineering, providing a voice for students in the college, and enhancing retention by educating prospective students on the skills, classes, and occupations involved in the different engineering disciplines.

Engineering Ambassadors are involved in many activities, including daily tours of the college, Engineer-a-thon, Science Olympiad, MSU Fridays, Career Fairs, Engineering Advisory Council, and more.

Nominations are accepted spring semester for the following year. 
Advisor:  Christine Foreman,, 406-994-2272

ePALs are engineering and computer science juniors and seniors who serve as mentors to younger students to help them navigate coursework, connect with resources and engage in other activities at the college.

Advisors: Flynn Murray,; Loribeth Evertz,, 406-994-2166.

MSU's chapter of Engineers Without Borders has been working for more than a decade to bring water and sanitation projects to the community of Khwisero, Kenya. Their interdisciplinary approach brings students from every major together to provide holistic solutions to complex, international problems.

Club Email:
National Website:  
Advisor:  Chris Allen,,406-994-2184
Membership Requirements:  You don't have to be an Engineering major! 
The WISE graduate student group supports women graduate students in science, social science, math and engineering. Specifically, we provide professional and social development opportunities by creating a support system and an active dialogue focusing on issues unique to women in science.
Advisor:  Abigail, 406-994-5926
Membership Requirements:  Must be a female graduate student in science, social science, math or engineering.
The goal of the MakerCats Club is to promote a safe and friendly environment for students of varying backgrounds to teach and learn from their areas of expertise; to provide students with hands on experience with respect to designing and making things, and to encourage the use and development of open sourced knowledge. We essentially want to improve the capabilities of MSU students in their everyday lives.
Advisor:  Mandy Rutherford,, (406) 994-6624
Membership Requirements:  Be Excited about making things!
MSU Rocketry is a club designed to allow students with prior knowledge of rocketry and those who have none to expand their interest. Our goal eventually will be to supply students with all necessary equipment for launching their rockets. Besides expanding everyone's skills, it is also a great way to meet like-minded individuals.
Advisor:  Magkain Doyle,, 406-994-7489
Big Sky Robotics seeks to strenthen robotics learning and outreach within Bozeman through 'Robot in 3 Days' (Ri3D), FIRST Outreach, and other robotics activities. We are open to all who wish to learn more about automation and robotics. 
Advisor: Sarah Codd ,
Membership Requirements: Interest in Robotics
Meetings: Thursdays @ 6:00 pm (NAH 325) 
Out in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (oSTEM) at Montana State University is a student chapter of the national organization committed to supporting LGBTQ+ people with the goal to succeed personally, academically, and professionally.
Club Email:
Advisor:  John Paxton,,994-5979
Graduate Student Ambassadors is a program started by the MSU College of Engineering with the purpose of:
  • promoting the College of Engineering to prospective graduate students,
  • providing a voice for graduate students in the College of Engineering.
  • organizing events and a seminar series that provide professional development and networking opportunities for current graduate students.

Since its creation, the Graduate Student Ambassadors program has been involved in many activities, including:

  • Student representation at the Engineering Advisory Council
  • Organizing a bi-weekly Wednesday 4:10pm seminar
  • Hosting Welcome or Celebration events at the start or end of semesters
  • Promoting and organizing the Three Minute Thesis competition
  • Hosting potential graduate students during campus visits
Advisors:  Jeff Heys,, 406-994-7902.
Stimulate women so that they may achieve full potential as engineering students at Montana State University, as well as demonstrate the value of diversity.
Club Email:                      
Advisor:  Stephanie Wettstein,,406-994-5928
Membership Requirements:
To be an officer in our chapter, one must become a member of the national organization Society of Women Engineer which includes a fee. There are no requirements however for attending our events.
Tau Beta Pi is the oldest national engineering honor society in the country, and one of the most recognized national societies.  It honors engineering students who have shown a history of academic achievement as well as a commitment to personal and professional integrity.  Members experience a wide array of activities and opportunities throughout the year.  TBP emphasizes scholarship, personal character, and service to the profession, community, and college.  every semester, we invite the top fifth of seniors and the top eighth of juniors from all engineering majors to join.
Club Email:                                                                  
Advisor:  Abigail, 406-994-5926
The Women in Engineering Student Advisory Board provides a voice for female students and helps guide recruitment and retention efforts.  They also play a key role in organizing events such as the annual Women in Engineering Dinner, that celebrate the supportive atmosphere in the college, promote engineering and computer science, and provide Networking opportunities. Nominations accepted spring term for the following year. If interested please contact an advisor listed below. 
Advisor:  Christine Foreman,,
Jennifer Clark, jennifer.clark6@montana.edu406-994-7836        

AFROTC Det 450 @ Montana State.

Det 450 cadets are forged by academic excellence, experience in leadership, and the core values of the USAF.

Advisor: Melissa Turney,, 406-994-4022

The Bobcat Battalion challenges you to enroll in the most exciting course on campus. We educate, develop, and train top quality student leaders from high schools and on-campus. MSU Army ROTC forges cadets into the next generation of officers for the U.S. Army and the nation.


Website: Department of Military Science - Army ROTC | Montana State University

Advisor: Merry Schlenker Bruce,

                406-994-4044, 301 Hamilton Hall


Chemical & Biological Engineering

The AIChE Student Chapter works to provide an environment for members to network with students and professionals in chemical engineering and related fields. Members will develop professionally by attending networking socials, professional development workshops, and participating in outreach events throughout the year.
National Website:
Advisor:  Joseph Menicucci,,994-2289
The general mission of an ECS student chapter is to provide students the opportunity to foster a greater understanding as well as promote electrochemical and solid-state science and technology among its peers, to further enhance their professional development and to enrich their academic experience. The electrochemical society will involve itself in outreach programs throughout the Gallatin Valley, teaching youth about the wonders of electrochemistry.
National Website:
Advisor:  Ryan Anderson,, 406-994-5701
The Society for Biological Engineers (SBE), and AIChe Technological Community, is a global organization of leading engineers and scientists dedicated to advancing the integration of biology with engineering. SBE is dedicated to promoting the integration of biology with engineering and realize its benefits through bioprocessing, biomedical and biomolecular applications.
Club Email:
Advisor:  Stephanie McCalla,,(406) 994-2286

Civil Engineering

The mission of our organization is to inspire and encourage young civil engineers and prepare them for the future. We strive to mentor younger students in their academic careers and help them to learn outside the classroom while providing a fun and interesting atmosphere that enables us to involve our community and school in a positive manner.
Club Email:
National Website:
Advisor: Kirsten Matteson,, 406-994-6125.
To enhance students' learning experience by exposing members to local job sites & construction material plants, community activities, resume builders from industry professionals, and to network with local contractors from around the state.
National Website:
Advisor:  Penny Knoll,,994-6139
Dedicated to the maintaining and promoting the status of civil engineering as an ideal profession, Chi Epsilon was organized to recognize the characteristics of the individual civil engineer deemed to be fundamental to the successful pursuit of an engineering career, and to aid in the development of those characteristics in the civil engineering student.
Advisor:  Craig Woolard,, 406-994-7402.
Membership Requirements:  Must be in the top third of you class as well as having junior or senior standing in Civil Engineering.
The purpose of ITE-MSU is to promote the field of transportation engineering throughout MSU and to provide educational and career-building opportunities for our members.
Quality members and a quality program of activities combine to ensure the continued growth and success of the MSU-ITE Student Chapter.  Each year, Student chapter, members participate in a variety of promotional and fundraising activities, public service activities, on-site technical presentations from national experts in the profession, and field trips 
Advisor:  Ahmed Al-Kaisy 406-994-6116
The MSU chapter of Sigma Lambda Chi, Beta II, was originally established in 1979.  Sigma Lambda Chi is The International Honors Society for Leaders in Construction and is the only international honors society recognizing achievement in construction related programs of study.  SLC members at MSU strive to become involved within the community and highlight the importance of professionalism and ethics in the construction industry.
Club Email:
National Website:
Adviser: Craig Woolard,, 406-994-7402.

Computer Science

The mission of ACM is to prepare undergraduates in the School of Computing to prepare for the job world. We strive to increase the number of tools you have so you feel more comfortable completing tasks and become a more competent developer.
Club Email:                                      Website:
National Website:
Advisor:  John Paxton (406) 994-4780
The purpose of the Association for Women in Computing is to support current female students in computer science by connecting them to peers, internships, and professional growth opportunities while working to increase the diversity of computer science at MSU and make the field more welcoming to everyone. In the process, we aim to grow and ensure the health of the computer science community of Bozeman and Montana. All students interested in computing and computing diversity are welcome, not just women.
Club Email:                                  
National Website:
Advisor:  Maryann Cummings 994-3547

The Computational Topology and Geometry (CompTaG) club, formerly called the TDA club, is a group of students and faculty interested in research in the broad fields of computational geometry and computational topology / topological data analysis.  CompTaG focuses on mathematical foundations as well as the design and analysis of algorithms for solving topological and geometric problems. Computational geometry is a sub-field of algorithms, and might look at problems such as "what is the nearest object to a query object?" Here, we might be interested in defining distances in the space of objects (it won’t always be a Euclidean domain).  This club hosts weekly seminars, and actively engages students of all levels in research.

Advisors:  Brittany Terese Fasy,(406) 994-4804 and

David Millman, (406) 994-4261

Our goal is to learn about techniques from the game development industry and apply them to a game we release at the end of the school year. Students will do all the art, music, sound, level design, mechanics, and marketing. When we finish the product and put it on sale, any funds gained through our game will allow the club to send a group of students to the game developers conference in San Francisco to learn more about the game development process from professionals in their field. 
Advisor: Reese Pearsall, 406-994-3541
The MSU RoboCats designs and builds a submarine that can operate autonomously underwater. Team members travel each year to an international competition. It is a very complex competition and requires a lot of different backgrounds of engineering to complete.  
Advisor: Bradley Whitaker,, 406-994-6942.
The mission of UPE is to recognize academic excellence at both the undergraduate and graduate levels in the Computing and Information Disciplines. UPE is a member of the Association of College Honor Societies (ACHS).
National Website:
Advisor: Brittany Terese Fasy, (406) 994-4804

Electrical & Computer Engineering

We are striving to propagate interest in photovoltaic technology throughout the world and educate the community on the possibilities of a solar powered future. Our current goal is to build a functioning solar powered car that can compete in solar races held around the world. However, our vision lies beyond just building and racing a solar car. Ultimately, we want to show the world that solar energy is a plausible alternative and renewable energy resource. If we can educate people on the possibilities of a solar powered future, we can ensure that solar power will soon be developed into an energy resource that can rival fossil fuels, creating a brighter future for our planet.
Website: Bridger Solar Team at Montana State                      
Advisor:  Todd Kaiser,,994-7276
IEEE's core purpose is to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.
National Website:
Advisor: Rob Maher,, 994-7759
The MSU RoboCats designs and builds a submarine that can operate autonomously underwater. Team members travel each year to an international competition. It is a very complex competition and requires a lot of different backgrounds of engineering to complete.  

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering 

The Goals of Alpha Pi Mu are to recognize top junior, senior and graduate industrial engineering students for their academic achievements, increase professional development among members, and promote networking among faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students.
National Website:
Advisor: Durward Sobek,, 406-994-7140.
The purpose of The American Society for Engineering Management is to expose students to the field of engineering management and prepare them for future careers in management. ASEM encourages collaboration between current professional leaders, other campus clubs, and other ASEM chapters to increase managerial tactics, and technical skills.
Club email:
National website: 
Advisor: William Schell, wschell@montana.edu406-994-5938.

This club directly supports the development, design, and construction of ultralight powered parachutes to compete in a competition hosted by the ASEA against other university teams. This club also builds and exts experimental engines and airframes to expand ultralight aviation. If you have engineering experience or are generally interested in aviation this is the club for you! Weekly meetings can consist of competition preparation, aircraft assembly, and or flight training right here in town!

Club Email:                  

Advisor: Jake Bernal,, 406-209-9836.

ASME/MET is a not-for-profit organization that enables collaboration, knowledge sharing, career enrichment, and skills development across all engineering disciplines, toward a goal of helping the global engineering community develop solutions to benefit lives and livelihoods. Founded in 1880 by a small group of leading industrialists, ASME has grown through the decades to include more than 140,000 members in 151 countries. Thirty-thousand of these members are students.

From college students and early-career engineers to project managers, corporate executives, researchers and academic leaders, ASME's members are as diverse as the engineering community itself. ASME serves this wide-ranging technical community through quality programs in continuing education, training and professional development, codes and standards, research, conferences and publications, government relations and other forms of outreach.
National website:
Advisor: Erick Johnson, erick.johnson@montana.edu406-994-6163.
ASHRAE (Formerly the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers) advances the arts and sciences of heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration to serve humanity and promote a sustainable world. With more than 55,000 members from over 132 nations, ASHRAE is a diverse organization representing building system design and industrial processes professionals around the world.
Club email:
National website:
Advisor: Kevin Amende,, 406-994-6304. 
The MSU SAE club - also known as "Bobcat MotorSports" - is a registered student organization with MSU Student Activities. Students in the club participate in local service activities, club racing and various fundraising events.  The club has participated in the SAE Formula series for many years, and are also competing in the BAJA SAE competition.  The first BSAE entry raced in Pittsburg Kansas in June 2014.  Each year the club acts as the "Industrial Sponsor" for an ME/MET Capstone design team, whose members are tasked with the design/analysis/fabrication of a race care to compete in the international competitions.
Ample opportunities exist for club members, of all levels, to work on and drive the club's race cars.  SAE International is a great organization that supports engineering endeavors in education and industry globally.  SAE student chapters provide opportunities for design, fabrication testing, competition, teamwork, travel, learning - and fun! MSU's SAE chapter is open to all students who wish to take part.
The SAE International Clean Snowmobile Challenge (CSC) program is an engineering design competition for undergraduate and graduate students. The program provides participants with the opportunity to enhance their engineering design and project management skills by applying learned classroom theories in a challenging competition that tests their designs to reengineer an existing snowmobile to reduce emissions and noise. Participants’ modified snowmobiles will compete in a variety of events including emissions, noise, fuel economy/endurance, acceleration, handling, static display, cold start and design.
Club Email:                    National Website:
Advisor: David Miller,, 406-994-6285.
The Montana State University chapter of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers is devoted to the professional development, education, and involvement of all its members.
The Machinist Guild is a club for anybody with an interest in machining and fabrication. The goal is to provide additional (outside of the classroom) support, education, and opportunity for students to refine and showcase their skills.
Advisor: Thomas Jungst,, 406-994-6367.
Recognizes the achievements of mechanical engineering students while promoting campus and community involvement in relation to engineering education.
Advisor: Erick Johnson,, 406-994-6163.
Membership Requirements: Must be a Junior or Senior according to academic status with a declared major in Mechanical Engineering. Must be in the top 1/4 of Junior class or top 1/3 of Senior class according to GPA.