Black Students


  • TBA


  • Include more photos of diverse students on college/departmental web pages.  Idea: include a photo of each department's current graduate student cohort on its web pages.
  • Encourage underrepresented students to recruit friends and associates from their previous institution.
  • Inform underrepresented students of the Diversity and Inclusion Student Commons and provide a home department point of contact.
  • Host a listening session that includes NACOE black students, Academic Council and NACOE Diversity and Inclusion Committee members.
  • Invite a prominent black engineer or computer scientist to give a (virtual) seminar presentation.
  • Incorporate contributions by black practitioners into departmental curriculum.
  • Form a student chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers.  Sponsor students to attend NSBE's fall national or spring regional conferences.  Consider MSU hosting a spring NSBE regional conference in the future.
  • Hire black faculty and staff.

Dive Deeper

Student Group To Be Determined


  • TBA

Dive Deeper

  • TBA

NACOE Diversity and Inclusion Committee Members

Feel free to make suggestions and provide feedback!

  • David Claudio (Industrial Engineering Professor)
  • Christine Foreman (Associate Dean and Chemical Engineering Professor)
  • Bernadette McCrory (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering)
  • Flynn Murray (Civil Engineer Ph.D. Student)
  • John Paxton (Gianforte School of Computing Director, committee chair)
  • Maria Velazquez (Dean's Office, ex officio)