NACOE Graduation Celebration
In addition to MSU's Commencement, at the conclusion of each semester the Norm Asbjornson College of Engineering holds a celebration for engineering and computer science graduates and their families and friends.
The celebration includes a ceremony to induct students into the Order of the Engineer (for engineering majors) or take the Pledge of the Computing Professional (for graduates of the Gianforte School of Computing). These initiations are optional and are meant to foster pride and responsibility in the engineering and computing professions. The ceremony also includes recognizing students who have earned the International Engineering Certificate. In the Spring, the recipients of the Montana Society of Engineers Gold Medal are announced.
A reception follows the ceremony. Dress is casual and refreshments will be served.
Academic Year 24-25 NACOE Graduation Dates
Due to order processing timelines, late registation and payments cannot be accomodated.
Celebrate the Spring 2025 Graduates Remotely
Link not yet available
How To Register
Order of the Engineer
- Complete the online registration form here.
- Students may stop by 237 Norm Asbjorson Hall to have their finger sized. Order of the Engineer rings are worn on the little finger of the graduate's dominant hand.
- Please visit the front desk in 237 Norm Asbjornson Hall to submit payment of $20.00. Payment can be made by cash or check. We are unable to accept credit or debit card payment. Students can stop by anytime between 8AM-5PM on weekdays. Registration and payment must be submitted by Friday, April 18 at 5PM.
Pledge of the Computing Professional
1. Complete the online registration form here.
2. After submitting your online registration, please visit the Gianforte School of Computing Office in 357 Barnard Hall to pay for your pin. Cost of the pin is $10.00. Registration and payment must be submitted by Friday, April 18 at 5PM.
For questions, please contact or visit the Norm Asbjornson College of Engineering Dean’s Office, 237 Norm Asbjornson Hall, 406-994-2272,
Learn more about the Order and the Pledge
What is it? Why is it? For whom is it? These questions expressed or unspoken have crossed the minds of many and deserve honest answers.
Those of us who have participated in the formation of the Order believe it is a fellowship of engineers trained in science and technology and dedicated to the teaching, administration, or practice of their profession. Initiation into the Order includes adherence to a Creed and acceptance of a stainless-steel ring to be worn on the small finger of the working hand. There are no further meetings to attend, or dues or subscriptions to pay. The Obligation is voluntary and for life. It does not replace or compete with NSPE, ASCE, SIEE or any other educational, scientific, or engineering organization, but lends dignity and significance to those who are members.
Between college and career, one sometimes loses sight of his or her goals, and dreams grow dim in the press of earning a living and establishing a practice in one's vocation. The ring is a constant reminder of the wearer's calling, a bond of strength in adversity, and assurance that one is not alone in his or her endeavor but is joined by a vast number of fellows with common purpose and resolution. It is a badge of recognition, also, which will be known to the public. Let it be worn with pride and viewed with honor.
Who is entitled to enter the Order and wear the ring? Only those who have met the high standards of engineering training, administration or practice, and who voluntarily accept the Obligation. The ring is not a trinket to be bought, nor an award to be conferred carelessly. It is, rather, the wedding of the engineer with his or her profession.
The Order of the Engineer is an indication of pride in engineering by a profession that believes in learned preparation and devoted service.
--Homer T. Borton, Dec 1971
The Pledge of the Computing Professional promotes the notion of computing as a recognized
profession at the time of graduation for students in Computer Science and related
programs. The Pledge is modeled after the Order of the Engineer – but is true to what
it means a computing professional. The Pledge of the Computing Professional is solely
intended to promote and recognize the ethical and moral behavior of graduates of computing-related
degree programs as they transition to careers of service to society.
The Pledge of the Computing Professional entails a rite-of-passage ceremony for graduates
from computing programs. This rite-of-passage ceremony dovetails nicely with existing
Order of the Engineer ceremonies for colleges that have both engineering and computing
degree programs. The rite-of-passage ceremony is conducted by Nodes (that is, chapters)
at institutions throughout the USA (with plans to expand internationally). The Pledge
of the Computing Professional has been endorsed by the Order of the Engineer, the
ACM Special Interest Group on Computers and Society (ACM SIGCAS), and by the ACM Committee
on Professional Ethics (ACM COPE)