Faculty-led education abroad programs enable the Norm Asbjorson College of Engineeirng (NACOE) faculty to build upon their own discipline-specific experetise while leverageing their global knowledge and connections. Faculty-led courses abroad enhance the course offerings and supor the internationalization strategic goals of the college.

Leader Eligibililty

Those eligible to lead a COE program include:

  • COE faculty members with a teaching appointment.
  • Graduate students are not eligible to lead a program abroad, although co-teaching may be considered.


Leading a study abroad program is a unique opportunity to provide COE students with high-impact
international learning experiences. However, effective programming requires extensive planning and

Program Planning Criteria
Proposal Process
Proposals must be submitted 9 months before the program departure date for consideration by COE and the Global Experiences Office.
Location Expertise

A high level of expertise/or experience/support in the proposed location is required.

Logistical Coordination
A strong understanding of logistics and language (if English is not widespread in the desired location) is necessary to develop an effective itinerary and a high-quality academic experience.

Program Recruitment

Faculty leaders recruit participants through in-class presentations, info sessions, and other activities. While the Global Experiences Office provides some support for recruitment and marketing, these activities are predominately the responsibility of faculty.
Academic Coordination

Faculty leaders serve as the instructor of record for the course abroad and coordinate the program's academic components.

While Abroad
Faculty leaders are expected to manage the program’s finances and logistics, handle any crisis that arises, and act as an institutional representative -while also teaching the course.
Post-Program Survey

The Global Experiences Office will distribute a post-program survey to participants shortly after the program has concluded. Faculty leaders must share the survey results with their Department Chair and the Dean’s Office.