Meet the ePALs
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Current ePALs:

Alyssa Hill
When I’m not studying I enjoy being outside and doing things like hiking and fishing, and spending time with my friends and family.

Penelope Allen
I have realized my love of learning and school since coming to MSU. I am genuinely interested in a lot of things and being able to explore all my interests has been really fun and inspiring.
I am a distance runner and power lifter- I love working out!! I am also love fly fishing and skiing and spending time with my roommates/ friends in any fashion!

Ruby Lairsey
My time at MSU has been so incredibly rewarding! Pursuing engineering has not been easy, but I have felt so encouraged by the knowledgeable and supportive students and faculty here at MSU. My support system and the resources here at MSU have made the experience so enjoyable :)
When I am not studying, you can find me gardening, baking, or playing music with my closest friends and family! I also conduct sensor research at the Center for Biofilm Engineering!
Sophia Burchfield
My time at MSU has been jam packed by participating with organizations such as the Associated Students of Montana State University and Women in Engineering. These organizations have helped me to grow not only as a leader but also as a person. Besides these, I love to attend events that MSU puts on, such as footballs games! Overall, Montana State is my favorite place on the planet and I love all that it has to offer.
When I'm not studying, you can find my in the mountains skiing, running, fishing, climbing, and partaking in anything else the mountains have to offer!
Jessica Thompson
My experience at MSU has been far from traditional. I started in the fall of 2020 and struggled a lot with mental health issues on top of having an ankle surgery. I took the fall of 2021 off to help handle my mental health struggles and have a second ankle surgery. Since coming back in the spring of 2022 I have continued to battle several health issues, which have definitely impacted my GPA and continued to cause some setbacks, but I'm still here.
I like to ski, both Nordic and downhill, hike, and camp. I'm also into creative projects like sewing, knitting and embroidering.

Owen Cool
My experience at MSU has been defined by a welcoming community and beautiful scenery. There was a lot that I came here not knowing how to do but had passion for, and the faculty at Montana State and my peers have been more than happy to help me learn and grow in my time here.
I spend time with brothers from my fraternity, Sigma Phi Epsilon, I play frisbee with the MSU Rum Runners, and I spend time in the outdoors. In fact, I've had the opportunity of working at MSU's Outdoor Recreation Program and facilitating others' outdoor experiences.

Nate Smith
Fun and challenging
Outdoor activities and volunteering

Lauren Basye
I would describe my experience at MSU as extremely positive. I have had excellent professors in almost all of my classes who were always willing to help me with understanding the material fully. I work a great job in a lab on campus which has given me so many opportunities for networking and learning new skills which I don't think I could have gotten as an undergrad anywhere else. Aside from academics I have made great friends here because I find its so diverse in the types of students here and you can easily find someone who has similar interests to yours.
When I am not studying I work for my EcoStart internship program in a biochemical engineering lab under Ross Carlson. For fun I like to do the typical outdoor activities like skiing, hiking, fishing, camping, etc. I also like to read a lot and hang out with friends.

Sydney Lee
My experience at MSU has overall been great. Moving from Texas to Montana took some getting used to, but I have been able to meet so many wonderful people through classes, clubs, and other activities.
When I’m not studying I'm hanging out with friends, baking, painting, or crocheting.

Brooke Robinson
I have loved my time here at MSU! Throughout my last three years, I have spent time meeting new people, exploring Bozeman, getting to know my peers, involving myself on campus, and spending my free time outdoors. I am passionate about my major and have enjoyed getting to learn more and more each year. I am grateful for the education and activities MSU offers me!
I love to do anything outdoors like skiing, running, hiking and camping. I also enjoy reading and baking!

Kira Rothwell
So far, I have had an incredible experience at MSU. Originally, I was drawn to attend this university due to the close access to outdoor activities. Now, I stay at this school because I love the close knit community that my major supports and the academic opportunities that are offered. Overall, I have had a very positive experience here and am excited to continue into my junior year this fall!
When I'm not studying I love going snowboarding, hiking, backpacking and exploring other parts of Montana. I enjoy spending time outdoors with my friends and seeing new places. I am also an active member of Chi Omega here at MSU! I currently serve as the Scholarship Director of my chapter and feel passionate about supporting my fellow sisters.

Max Demarais
I love to fly fish, and I also am a huge Bobcat Football fan.

Alexander Ellingsen
I love hiking, skiing, camping, and anything else that gets me outside.
Past ePALs:
Jocelyn Konechne
I have had a great experience at MSU so far, and cannot wait to see what the next two years have in store!
When I am not studying I enjoy hiking, climbing, camping, and cross country and downhill skiing. I also love to take the occasional road trip around Montana and South Dakota!

Jaelynn Roesler
I have just finished my junior year at MSU and it has been a lot! I am getting my bachelor’s in Biological engineering with a minor in astrobiology. While here, I have completed undergraduate research under the USP in Dr. McCalla’s lab and I will be participating in the INBRE program this summer. I am very passionate about research in general and would be a great resource for students interested in undergraduate research who don’t know where to start! In addition to this, I am a resident advisor on campus, specifically on an engineering LLC, so I have prior experience in helping incoming freshmen start their college experience in engineering. I take great pleasure in helping people find their passions and would love to continue to help others grow.
When I’m not studying, I am often working! I currently assist with several projects in Dr. Stephanie McCalla’s lab. When I am not studying or doing work-related things, I enjoy playing video games and drawing. I have found that art is an amazing outlet for stress and love trying new mediums to express myself. My newest adventure has been in watercolors; I love painting! In true nerd fashion, I enjoy a good game of Dungeons and Dragons. I have participated in the game as both a player and a DM. I am currently planning a one-shot to play with my friends this summer! I love hanging out and making memories with friends and am always down for a good Barnes & Noble run!

Maddie Bach
I have had a great experience at MSU so far. I have joined many clubs over the past three years and have made many friends through those experiences which has been great. I currently am in IEEE club, WIE, and club tennis. These clubs not only made my experience more enjoyable, but have also helped me with skills I utilize in school and at work.
I love listening to live music of all kinds and traveling as much as I can. I also enjoy hanging out with friends and trying new things around Bozeman.

Bryce Weber
I’ve had an incredible experience at MSU thus far, I have made so many lasting memories and learned so much.
Skiing, climbing, hiking, fishing, being outside with friends and family

Joshua Bowen
I have had a positive experience at MSU. I have gotten great advice from Sharlyn and had some enlightening conversations with CS faculty members about courses, research and career paths. Hopefully I can help other students also enjoy their time at MSU too!
I like to read and I work outside of school.

Racquel Bowen
I would say my experience here at MSU has been a lot of hard work and a lot of it has paid off so far. I’ve enjoyed all the coding classes I’ve taken so far and I’m looking forward to being challenged with more CSCI classes.
Working or Traveling

Caleb Thompson
I would describe my experience at MSU to be positive, inspiring, and educational. I, luckily, have been well connected with friends I have made who make the whole experience much more enjoyable. Despite the long grueling nights studying, my support system has made it enjoyable.

Emma Veldhuis
So far, I've had an amazing experience at MSU! I am from Eagan, Minnesota and was drawn to come to MSU for the opportunity to adventure! I lived in the dorms during fall 2020 and have been living in the Chi Omega house close to campus since! I have experience using the writing center, computer science help center, smarty cats, and am currently in the process of getting ready to study abroad in spring of 2023! I also work in the dean of students office and have been able to make great connections through this position.

Ciara Hellmann
I am currently in my second year in the civil engineering program. I have loved my engineering courses, so far and look forward to my last two years. Since starting bc college, I have been getting involved with the community through different clubs and student organizations such as SII, SWE, WIE, and Nordic skiing club.
When I’m not studying I’m hiking, biking, skiing, or hanging out with friends.

Orrin Clark
Talking to people I know, working, dancing

Mackenzie Ward
Pretty good once I learned how to navigate everything and how the different processes and systems work.
Work, catch up on sleep, and relax

Kai Gayle
Electrical Engineering |
My experience at MSU has been so exciting. I currently participate in boxing club and I'm on the Motor Sports Team. I get to put my class knowledge to use when building cars for Motor Sports and I get to exercise my body and take a break from school in boxing club! I decided my freshman year that I wanted to make lots of new friends, so I went through sorority recruitment and I've met the amazing people I call my best friends through sorority life. MSU has taught me about resilience through my academic career as engineering is a tough subject to learn. I enjoy going to the library study rooms with friends for a quiet place to work where we can also talk about our struggles and successes with whatever we are working on.
When I'm done studying, I like to snowboard, make cosplay, and go to Bozeman hot springs with my friends!

Matthew Netly |
Although I spend much of my time studying, I like to spend my free time outside, enjoying everything Montana has to offer. My favorite activities consist of hunting, fishing, snowboarding, and hiking. I love the outdoors and am very lucky to live in a place with so many opportunities to take advantage of.

Hanna Nyquist
Biomedical Engineering |
My experience at MSU has been great so far. I have spent a lot of my time here trying to balance my academic work with being a student athlete on the MSU alpine team, while simultaneously participating in all the extracurricular opportunities that I find interesting! Since starting here, I have participated in women in engineering events, worked a bit as a tutor, joined an intermural soccer team, and this year began working in a lab. I am also fulfilling pre-med requirements, so finding balance in a busy schedule is a great skill that I have learned over my past few years at MSU. I absolutely love all of the relationships that I have formed throughout my time here and am excited to share some of my experiences with other engineering students!
When I’m not studying, you can find me skiing, mountain biking, playing guitar, climbing, or hanging out outside with friends!

Toni Wearmouth
My experience at MSU has been amazing. My life as a student here has been centred around a balance of my classes and my athletics schedule on the MSU ski team. Engineering has been tough! But with the help of the awesome professors and all of the campus resources, I have had the most amazing time here. I believe that the people at MSU make this school what it is and no matter who you are, this school has something and someone for you!
When I'm not studying, you could find me either skiing, mountain biking, or doing anything else outside with my friends.

Krista Andersen |
My time at MSU has been full of many unforgettable adventures. The education I have earned here will carry me through life and the people I have met here will be a part of my life for a long time. Though engineering is very challenging, my peers and professors at MSU have brought a lot of light into my world.

Addy Cichowski
Biological engineering
MSU has been a great experience overall. I’m originally from Bozeman and have learned so much more about my hometown through the community of Montana State. Both the academics as well as the culture of the school have pushed me to become the best version of myself.
When I am not studying you can find my skiing at the one and only Bridger Bowl, fishing, hiking, or attempting to mountain bike!

Elijah Wray
MSU has been a great way for me to explore all of the possibilities for engineers. It has been a nurturing environment where I can explore research, different topics, and different recreational activities. MSU has shown me what my passions are and helped show me what I could do with them.
I enjoy rock climbing and hitting the gym. I also watch various TV shows (such as Bob’s Burgers) and play different video games (such as Breath of the Wild).

Will Livernois
I love it here. The faculty and student body are extremely nice and hardworking. Also I have learned a lot from all of my courses that I know will be extremely beneficial in my future.

Chloe Woodall
Amazing!! I love it here!!

Logan Schmidt
Very beneficial. I am learning a lot and enjoying the wide array of community and class options.
Playing video games, playing guitar, working out, studying, drawing, writing poetry, cooking.

Isabelle Melmer
I have had a good experience with my studies at MSU. I found support through the resources MSU provides for students which encouraged me to pursue engineering. The time I have spent at MSU has made me feel supported and seen.
I enjoy being outside like anyone else in Bozeman. I love trail running and climbing. I really enjoy cooking food as well. I value spending time with my friends and reading.