NACOE Student Ambassadors
Developing Leadership in Context
Who we are:
Started by the Norm Asbjornson College of Engineering (NACOE) in 2001 our purpose is to:
- promote the NACOE to prospective students and their families;
- inspire young people to pursue careers and opportunities in Engineering and Computer Science by educating high school students about engineers and computer scientists do;
- provide a voice for students in the NACOE; and
- enhance retention by educating prospective students on the skills, classes, and occupations involved in the different engineering and computing disciplines - promoting a "good fit."
What we do:
Since its creation, the NACOE Ambassadors program has been involved in many activities, including:
- Daily tours through Admissions
- High School Visits
- Expanding Your Horizons
- Engineer-a-thon (and other Engineering Week events)
- Science Olympiad
- NACOE Shadow Day
- MSU Friday
- Postcards and e-mails to prospective students
- Career Fairs
- Student representation at the Engineering Advisory Council
- Student forums
How to Become an NACOE Student Ambassador
Most often, candidates are recommended in the Spring term to the Deans Office by current and former student ambassadors, college faculty/staff, or department leadership. Invitations to apply are sent to the nominees. Applications are reviewed and finalists are offered the opportunity for a seat with this volunteer organization. If you are interested in learning more about becoming an NACOE Student Ambassador, contact the Deans Office in NAH 237.
Students are always considered students first and are encouraged to communicate with program advisors when academic commitments conflict with Ambassador responsibilities. Accommodations can be made to support engagement as an Ambassador AND success with academic responsibilities.