The Norm Asbjornson College of Engineering Excellence in Service Award recognizes outstanding service within or outside the University community. The award consists of a $500 honorarium and is announced at the College’s Annual Awards Ceremony luncheon held in April. Anyone may nominate an individual for this award; an individual may not nominate himself/herself.   


All professional staff in the College, as well as Shared Services staff who provide support to the College, are eligible for consideration.  The nomination should be based on extraordinary performance of service.  The scope of activities considered for this award is intentionally very broad and may be performed as part of the nominee’s assigned duties or as additional responsibilities.    

Examples of service activities include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Extraordinary service to the unit, the College, the University or to the state or national community.
  • Extraordinary service to the profession.
  • Service activities that bring special recognition to Montana State University and/or the College of Engineering.

Nomination Requirements

The nominations should consist of the following materials:     

  • Nomination letter that includes a brief summary (limited to two pages) describing the accomplishments of the nominee relative to the criteria above.
  • One letter of support from any appropriate source (limited to two pages).

If nominations exceed the page limit noted, the Chair will remove the nomination from consideration. 

For nomination deadline, see the main Faculty & Staff Awards page.

Nominations are to be submitted electronically to the Dean’s Office (

The recipient will be selected by a committee appointed by the Dean.